St. Vincent: A Leeftail Review

St. Vincent isn't a movie I would call noscible*.

St. Vincent isn’t a movie I would call noscible*.

OKLAHOMA CITY – It is super random that I watched St. Vincent. A couple of weeks ago, in ten minutes, I went from never having heard of it to buying tickets and grabbing seats. How that happened doesn’t matter. I’m not here to talk about the past. I want to talk about the future, and the future includes my review of St. Vincent, a movie I watched in the past. Oh nooo!! My future is my past is my future is my past!! It’s like when the only way to fly is to start burrowing!! Or, it’s like, my favorite philosophers are the 24-second shot clock! It doesn’t make any sense, and yet it makes complete sense!! My logic is experiencing coherentific*and cosmogyral* circumbilivagination*!!! By the way – I think this review is on the cusp of being sucked into the Black Hole from Interstellar!! I’d better move on before this gets any weirder!!!!!!!

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